
I agree children are being over medicated with hyperactivity disorder. It is also true that much of the science that psychiatry uses to treat this and depression are still unproven. That is, what exactly causes these ailments and what exactly the medicine supposedly does to correct it. You claim to have done your homework and read up on the subject. I think that is the responsible thing to do. You call psychiatry a pseudo science. That is fine. But then by the same criteria, you have to call scientology a pseudo science. None of L. Ron Hubbard's supposed research has been published much less viewed by the scientific community. It has not been tested by the scientific method like you hold psychiatry to. Lets be fair. I have read dianetics and scientology. I wasn't impressed. I am all for living a better life that benefits myself as well as all of mankind, but I fail to see it in scientology. So before you beat your drum next time, apply a little research to your own science first.
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