I've been bed ridden at my wife's house with the flu. We are renovating mine and my computer of course is in my house. I never thought you could get bored watching 999 channels. I did get a flu shot but I guess I got the special strain. Lucky me. So F.U. flu leave me alone. Go bug someone else.
thanks dick
what a rebel you are, getting the flu anyway. hope you feel better.
get well soon!!
thanks for all the well wishes, I feel better already.
...that germ filled picture creeps me out. and you would think nothing creeps me out given my track record with my drawings.
*big hugs*
I hate the fluy.I don't bother getting the flu shot, anymore, because I would react horribly to it and it simply didn't help. Besides, the flu shot only protects against one strain and there are dozen of tohers, so when you think of it, its pretty pointless.
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