Sayeth the Lord

I consider myself a Christian, but I do question things. I am not of the blind faith club. We are human and all we know is word of mouth and witness accounts. I like evidence. Still something inside me says there is a greater presence regardless.
The statement that I have heard through the years and recently is "God works in mysterious ways". Why? Why can't he work in obvious ways so we can see him at work? Wouldn't that just strengthen our faith more? Why would he make it a puzzle? It's hard enough out here. Please help.
PS: Happy Birthday Jesus.
its the same thing as me going "everything happens for a reason."
except, ive lost faith in god a very long time ago.
Heehee. I like this. The picture reminds me of my catholic days, as I was raised as a roman catholic. Of course, being spanish, what other religion would I be raised in?
Anywho, I think it's awesome that you question stuff. If you don't question and just accept everything you hear, then, it's like living in a cave.
but once yu explore outside the cave, you get to see SO much more.
As for the whole idea of God working in mysterious ways, I think the reason why God is like that is 'cause God likes to fool around with our minds. To REALLY get us to question.
I don't think God would be too entertained if we just accepted it and that was that.
are you not catholic now? I am but my my wife is babtist. to chose.
i think if god worked in human ways, it would be too easy to disagree with his works. the old, "you can't please everyone all the time" thing. simply, he doesn't work in human ways because he is not human.
i have questioned god's purpose for things too. there's just too much shit out there. why do bad things happen to good people? but i have 3 alternatives: benevolent god who is working in mysterious ways and who loves and forgives me for the shit i do, or; god who is up there watching his creation like a kid watches an ant farm, or; no god at all.
i take #1. if for no other reason than it makes me feel better, and makes me a better person.
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