
I can't sleep dammit. I have been dragging around all day long on muscle relaxers. You see, I have to tell you, I started taking them after sleeping on a hard ass floor for three days waiting for hurricane freakin Rita to show up. Now my back is all spasmed out. The new generation muscle relaxers have a lot less side effects and the side effects that remain are less intense thankfully (such as feeling like jello straining through a gym sock). Anyway, I'm taking Skelaxin. It does a great job but makes you drowsy all freakin day. So I just started pumpin in the caffeine. Who knows the amount, maybe 1000 milligrams. Now my heart is pumping like a lab rat's and I have heart burn that could melt the paint off the Alaskan pipe line. So what am I doing besides writing another entry into this blog. I have been searching through other peoples blogs and let me tell you PEOPLE, I understand this is a freedom of expression thing. But, nobody wants to or can read your blog written in pink with a red freakin background in an 8 point font! And oh my God, how many of you need to seriously look into Prozac and psychotherapy like yesterday. I am getting so depressed reading this stuff I might just ask for some Prozac through an IV. Or better yet, just to mask the pain, how about a habanero sauce enema.
Just pasing through.
Nic blog and very entertaining.
Be back soon.
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