Birthday Boy

Today's my birthday. Kinda narcissistic huh? Well, I don't love myself as much as other people love me so there. I'm sorry, I work in an overly estrogenized office. Don't get me wrong. It has its perks. Or perkies. Like, I get a cake and a fully decorated desk. Im tellin you I don't think it matters who you are here but the ladies love to have any excuse to decorate the office and have desert. I guess it justifies breaking their endless dieting and you know what? As many fad diets as these women have been on over the years they have only gotten thicker. There is an exception. The few who have gone on the anoxeric diet by Dr. Anorexia. Let me tell you that shit works too well. Now I hope they put a little testosterone in my cake because I'm having the urge to save the bows on my presents because there just so pretty.
Thanks, not so well with the Apple.
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