Pac to Pak

The Tao of Pa(ck). Nostradamus predicted the coming of the great Pa(ck)s. First there was the chicken pox, but then the Pa(ck)s personified. When aligned they are known as one, Chopra Shaqur.
1. Witness when alignment occurs, the Pa(ck) has been known to heal caps that be busted up in da ass upon impact.
2. It was told in revelations when you smell of the curry in your aromatherapy that the 2pacalypse has cometh.
3. Do not call upon the Pa(ck), the Pa(ck) will call upon you.
4. If the Pa(ck) begins to stare, one must never look directly unto the Pa(ck) unless donning a pair of blue blockers out of respect.
5. Two Pa(ck)s are better than one.
Yeah but will two pa (cks) a day keep the doctor away?
Yes,as long as the pa (cks) are in alignment.
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