I share an office with five women. Sure the guys are going, hell yeah! No, there is nothing here worth trolling for even after a case of Everclear. Especially Linda and Linda. These are the two most annoying people I have had the pleasure of knowing. I hope this is not a genetic signature of the Lindas I might meet in the future. Linda #1, the younger annoying Linda: Personality characteristic=Oh, nobody likes me, all the good men are taken, I will never find anyone, I can't do that or I can't do this just because, nothing ever works out, Im a good person, whats wrong? I'll tell you. You need some serious fucking psychotherapy and a pound of Prozac a day. Maybe by this time next year you'll only be a little pessimistic. Hopefully Linda #1 will never have children because we might have another Andrea Yates on our hands.
Now for Linda #2. Me: Hey guys its sunny out and the sky is blue. Linda #2: No its not. I read the forecast, the sky is cloudy and its raining. Me: Well..no..I just was outside and ...Linda#2: Your wrong. And if you have anything else to say, your wrong again because I wrote the book on the book and I have more trivial information than you can imagine to bore the fuck out of you, so there. Actually I have fun with this Linda cause I can push her buttons all day by spitting out random made up trivia and when she gets wound up I leave the office so she can torture the remaining office mates. For any of you Cheers fans out there, Linda #2 is the female Cliff Clavin or better yet, his mother.